Provide me with the contact details at Delhi for Matrimonial advertisement in Anandabazar and Telegraph Calcutta edition


ReleaseMyAd is an online newspaper ads booking agency and you can book your matrimonial ad in any Indian newspaper in any edition from anywhere. The contact details are provided on the releaseMyAd web page.

If you intend to book the ad in the Kolkata editions of Anandabazar Patrika and The Telegraph, you can simply visit the Ad Rates and Packages page of ABP or the Matrimonial Ad Rates page of Telegraph. You can avail the combo packages which include advertising in both the preferred newspapers and you can opt for the individual editions. But the combo packages are more economical than the individual editions.

As you choose the preferred package or edition, you are directed to the Compose Ad section. Here you can create and highlight the ad with the help of online sample ads and enhancements. You can also preview the ad with Live Ad Preview Feature.

To complete the booking of the ad, at the end, you must confirm the ad release dates and then make the payment for the same through our online or offline payment mediums. You can contact is via email, chat and phone. You must book the advert at least 2-3 days prior to the intended release dates so it can be published on time. 

Related to: Telegraph, Matrimonial, How to Book Post date: 03/08/2020 - 04:48PM