I want to book an ad for To Let & I want someone to come to my house to collect payment. How can I release the ad in The Telegraph


Please be informed that ReleaseMyAd is an online newspaper ad booking agency & we enable you to book ads in a number of newspapers across India through our online portal. 

If you want to proceed with the booking of your To Rent advert in the Telegraph, please visit the following page: http://thetelegraph.releasemyad.com/rates/to-rent & you can review the ad rates for different locations as well as packages associated with the same. 

On selecting the package, you are directed to the page where you can compose the advert as per your requirement & design the same with the help of our online enancements. At the end you are required to confirm the release dates & clear all the payments for the advert.

If ypu choose pay by Cash Collection, your payment status will be added only after the payment is cleared. Our representative will contact you to confirm the time & place of visit, following which he will visit you & collect the cash while handing over an invoice to you with all the booking details.

Related to: Telegraph, To Rent, Payment Options Post date: 09/04/2013 - 02:35PM